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Category Archives: Games

Top Downloaded Android Apps in Japan

Source: gpara

Do you like playing around Android apps?  Recently a list of top 100 android apps is released based on the results from Google Play in Japan.  Let’s see if any is also your favorite.

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Swords & Poker Adventures, Essential Tips Before Getting Started


Swords & Poker Adventures is a recently published game by Konami on iOS/Android platform.  The game follows the same core concept of Swords & Poker developed by Gaia.  If you are getting started with this new game (while I don’t recommend this game due to annoyances), here are some critical tips you must know. 

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Classic characters transformed to moe girls in mobile game



The mobile game called Nepcolle《ネプテューヌコレクション》(aka ネプコレ)features moe girls who are transformed from familiar figures from gaming history.


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PS Vita still thriving at game store in Europe

To be more specific, it’s in Spain.  Rarely can you see such a dedication for Playstation Vita even in Japan…

psvita showcase europe

Sakura Spirit Review, more than eye-candy?

09 - kxOw8mv

Steam recently got blessed with a pre-hentai game featuring busty girls in revealing outfits.  But does it deliver?

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